ISCAR’s Forward Focus: Advancements In Metalworking Materials, Sustainable Solutions, And Digital Innovations For 2024 And Beyond
With the prevailing economic climate which is nothing less than challenging, ISCAR is certainly doing what it can to be agile and adapt to the changing needs of metal fabrication world.
ISCAR strives to comprehend the economic conditions in each market to offer advanced technologies that guarantee the competitiveness of its customers. World events in recent years prompted ISCAR to increase its investment in tool research and development. As the materials and workpieces constantly evolve, it is crucial to correctly implement new cutting tools.
Therefore, the need for training becomes essential. ISCAR addressed this by establishing training centers in each of its subsidiaries worldwide — providing training to customers, enabling them to effectively utilise the latest methods and technologies for efficient tooling.
Tools are not enough, the ability to handle advanced materials in accordance to market demands are paramount. Advanced materials are in demand by aerospace, defense, and automotive industries.
To identify the most suitable tools and machining processes for newly developed advanced materials, ISCAR collaborates closely with material sciences companies that specialise in cutting tools research. This collaboration takes place before the new materials are introduced to the metalworking markets.
Into The Future
ISCAR’s focus in the upcoming years will be on tools and cutting processes for new workpiece materials. Sustainability and environmental responsibility are central to ISCAR’s development of metalworking tools. This includes designing and producing cutting tools with unique geometries that require lower power consumption, generate less heat, and minimise the need for finishing operations. The goal is to achieve higher throughput with reduced machining time and lower energy requirements.
Automation and digitalisation have been and continue to be a part of ISCAR’s mindset. ISCAR’s World App is the digital gateway for which the company offers 24/7 on-line technical support, e-Catalogue, e-Comm and other advanced solutions and services which support customers’ need any time, any place with multi language access.
The advanced ‘NEO-ITA – ISCAR’s hybrid salesman’ is part of ISCAR’s Digital World ‘go to market’ solution which provides the best tooling offer for any machining task with just limited input requirement. NEO-ITA also provides tool assemblies for digital twins, tool collision checks, NC programming with additional technical adviser calculators. ‘All in one’ the most VALUABLE and advanced digital package in service.
Read more here
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