Offering a wider range of capabilities, ANCA Manufacturing Solutions (AMS) has grown from the design and manufacturing of sheet metal components to offer a broader scope of specialised manufacturing services and solutions.
Embracing Change: Proactive Strategies For Success In The Rapidly Evolving Power Tool Industry
Continuous urbanisation drive and construction activities will spur power tool demands in Southeast Asia, according to Roland Berger’s Timothy Wong, Principal, Lead of Southeast Asia Industrial Practice.
Experience Efficient Welding With Fronius IWAVE
Learn how Fronius IWAVE helped Austria-based FERRUM.AT Metallverarbeitung GmbH become a highly sought-after player for metal components welding for prominent clients through seamless navigation.
Yeong Chin Innovates In The Realm of Machinery With T11
In the realm of machinery, innovation is the key to progress, and Yeong Chin Machinery Industries’ (YCM) T11 epitomises this principle. APMEN learns more.
Baidu Takes On OpenAI With Its ERNIE 4.0 Large Language Model
China has officially jumped into the AI Chatbot bandwagon. Baidu Inc, the search engine giant launched ERNIE 4.0, Baidu’s next-generation and most powerful foundation model offering drastically enhanced core AI capabilities.
EMO Hannover 2023 Amplified Taiwan Prowess In Machine Tool
TAITRA’s first Taiwan all-in-one platform at EMO, in collaboration with industry associations such as TAMI, TMBA, and TACEA hosted press conferences, solution seminars, and various business meetings. Exhibitors returned with orders from Germany, India, Italy, Spain, Turkiye and the Netherlands.
A*Star Launches EV Battery Testing And Disassembly Line
During the Industrial Transformation Asia-Pacific (ITAP) 2023 event, the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) announced a new Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery Testing and Disassembly Line.
New Recipe For Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Battery Recycling
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, presents a new and efficient way to recycle metals from spent electric car batteries. The method allows recovery of 100% of the aluminium and 98% of the lithium in electric car battery.