The Perfect Digital Twin Increases Machining Efficiency Sandvik Coromant
The Perfect Digital Twin Increases Machining Efficiency
Digitalisation of tool selection and assembly creation can increase machining efficiency. By Sandvik Coromant
While in-machining efficiencies can be seen through advanced tooling technologies and strategies, there are many gains to be had earlier in the process, at the design and planning stage.
Here, the digitalisation of previously manual processes such as tooling item selection and tool assembly creation can help to significantly increase efficiency and machining security.
Cutting tool data can in fact be gathered more accurately and used to create precise digital twin representations—a functionality that has become fundamental in the modern workflow to prevent errors at the machining stage.
Today, such processes can be fully integrated with the user’s CAM software, and can be completed with a few simple clicks as part of an easy-to-use menu-driven process.
Simulating The Tool Assembly
In machining applications, it is not individual tool items such as toolholders, cutters and inserts that are used on machines, but tool assemblies. In many instances this creates a somewhat laborious task for the CAM programmer, where several opportunities for error exist, not least failing to select the optimum tool items in the first instance.
Furthermore, many typical tool assemblies can take up to one hour to create. With some components demanding the use of 25 or more different tool assemblies, this is an enormous overhead to the business in terms of both time and cost.
The challenge isn’t to create the assembly itself—nowadays this can be created in just a few seconds by adding a description and the relevant parameters, for example diameter and length, into a CAM system without any external help.
However, creating a digital twin representation for a tool assembly simulation is far from being a simple task. In order to make the most accurate possible representation of a tool assembly in a CAM system, the creator would first need to search various vendors’ catalogues, download the 3D model files, and assemble them in a CAD programme. Only then can they finally be created as a tool assembly in the CAM system, including the technical parameters.
Streamlined Process
Clearly there is an opportunity to streamline the pre-machining process and make it more agile, something that can be achieved by integrated tool item recommendation and tool assembly creation within the CAM software platform. In this way, it is possible to cut the time required and increase security in design and planning processes.
With regard to tooling item recommendation and selection, an optimised and integrated solution would allow CAM programmers to select from holders, tools and inserts for milling, for example.
Here, users would be able to choose a preferred source, such as a digital catalogue stored locally or a cloud assortment whose data are constantly and automatically updated. Then, once data such as component, type of machining operation and material has been input, users could simply click ‘get results’ to receive the speeds and feeds required for the selected tool.
One such solution is the CoroPlus ToolGuide, which uses an open Application Programming Interface (API) to connect with the CAM software. In short, the software enables users to find a suitable cutting tool for a given task. It creates an organised list of all the suitable tools, with the most economical choice at the top. It will also show the suggested machining process and cutting data.
The list is generated by an algorithm that matches the stated task and conditions with tools. This algorithm holds information about the different machining processes that can be used for different tasks, while the product data on the tool holds information on the machining processes to which the cutter is suited. Importantly, all of the data can be sent to CoroPlus ToolLibrary, where standard tool assemblies can be created ready for export to the CAM or simulation software.
Easy Access To Tool Data
For a productive CAM process, the programmer needs access to tool data which is usually stored in so-called tool libraries. However, most of today’s tool libraries are empty, for a number of reasons, not least because it is difficult to find tool data and keep it up to date. In addition, until recently there has been no industry standard for communicating tool data.
There are approximately 1.2 million manufacturing units in the world today, and all CAM vendors, machine tool builders and tool suppliers have historically had their own way to denominate and structure tool information. This is why ISO 13399 has been created.
Sandvik Coromant, the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and other players in the metal cutting sector are behind the development of ISO 13399, which is now a globally recognised way of describing tool data.
This international standard defines tool attributes such as length, width and radius in a standardised way. Before the standard was written, three different suppliers may have called the diameter D3, D1 or DC2. With ISO 13399, however, the diameter will always be DCX, regardless of supplier.
ISO 13399 also simplifies the exchange of data for cutting tools. When all tools in the industry share the same parameters and definitions, communicating tool information between software systems becomes much easier.
Built on the ISO 13399 structure and open to all tooling suppliers, platforms such as the CoroPlus ToolLibrary ensure there is no longer any need to interpret data from paper catalogues and then manually entering it into the system.
Failsafe System
Additionally, the software allows CAM programmers to work with any tool vendor catalogue compliant to ISO 13399 standards and to create assemblies safe in the knowledge that all suggested items will fit together.
The results can be viewed instantly in 2D and 3D, while users can also digitally store all information about the tools. Once saved, programmers simply import the tool assembly into their CAM or simulation software. All of the tool data is pre-set and a 3D model included.
Streamlined Pre-Machining
Users report that this process makes it possible to cut the time from tool assembly to simulation by at least 50 percent. Plus, there is a much better chance of making the right tool choice in the first instance. Of course, having accurate tool data also means that collisions are possible to detect and avoid during simulation routines due to having the real tool shape and a digital twin representation.
The importance of accessible and accurate tooling data in pre-machining is vital to help address the challenges faced by CAM programmers on a daily basis. Through such latest digital solutions, it is possible to demonstrate how much easier and faster pre-machining tasks can be executed, and ultimately are a step forward in helping manufacturers prepare for Industry 4.0.
ISO 13399:
A Step Towards Data-Driven Manufacturing
With modern manufacturing systems relying more and more on relevant and exact information, ISO 13399 is an international standard that enables cutting tool manufacturers to use the same “language” to describe their products in a computer-interpretable, digital format (such as STEP-File or STEP-XML).
This common format simplifies the exchange of this data between computer systems and software applications.
“With this standard it will be possible to import relevant information directly into a PLM, CAD, CAM, CNC simulation or tool management system,” said Bengt Olsson, project information specialist at product information management at Sandvik Coromant. “It has the potential to both speed up and improve the quality of the planning process of a new job.”

Platforms such as CoroPlus ToolLibrary allow creation of tool assemblies based on standard tool data. The assemblies can be directly imported to CAM or simulation software.

A more agile and optimised manufacturing is made possible bymaking use of data in the design and planning processes.
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