Tornos: SwissDeco 26 And SwissDeco 36
Tornos has launched a new range of SwissDeco machines, the SwissDeco 26 And SwissDeco 36. Designed to tackle demanding tasks in any application field, they contain identical main and back machining operations and feature liquid cooling.
Its bar diameter stretching furthest at 25.4 mm, SwissDeco 26 can reach a speed of 10,000rpm in a few tenths of a second. Featuring a clamping force of 14,000 N, the spindles achieve a torque of 27 Nm.
The SwissDeco 36’s bar diameter is 36mm, with a clamping force that can reach 25,000 N. Its maximum spindle speed is 8,000 rpm, enabling a maximum torque of 53Nm.
Both models come equipped with a guide bush with integrated synchronous motor and ceramic bearings.