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Dry cleaning methods such as vacuum air cleaning can be integrated into assembly lines and used for depowdering of additively manufactured parts.

Dry cleaning methods such as vacuum air cleaning can be integrated into assembly lines and used for depowdering of additively manufactured parts.

A Comprehensive Portfolio Of Industrial Cleaning Processes And Systems With ECOCLEAN

Today, parts cleaning has become a quality critical manufacturing step in all industry sectors. It often takes great effort to meet particulate and film-type cleanliness specifications. At the same time cleaning is to be done at the lowest possible cost. These contradictory requirements imperatively call for processes and machines tailored to specific needs.

From machine and plant engineering, electrical and power engineering to connecting elements, components of the most diverse materials like metals, plastics, ceramic and composite materials are manufactured and processed using very different manufacturing technologies. Although the parts are manifold, they have one thing in common which is to ensure the quality of downstream processes such as machining, heat treatment, coating, bonding and assembly, to guarantee lasting functionality, they necessitate cleanliness levels in line with requirements.

In many areas, even higher requirements concerning particulate and film-type cleanliness must be met. And there are often added challenges such as high throughput rates and weights, a strongly varying range of parts to be cleaned, short delivery times and also small margins in some cases.

Optimal Cleaning Solution >>



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