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Photo by Алекке Блажин from Pexels

Photo by Алекке Блажин from Pexels

Injection Moulding Process In A Fraction Of The Time With Fictiv’s Automated Solutions

Business priorities for 2021 still reflect weaknesses laid wide open by the pandemic: For 68%, improving supply chain resilience and agility is the number one business priority for 2021.

Contributed By Fictiv

Pandemic or not, supply chains can create a lot of friction due to complexities, lack of transparency, and inflexibility. It comes as no surprise that only 6% of manufacturing professionals who participated in an online survey that was conducted in March 2021 by Dimensional Research, indicated that they had no concerns about their supply chains.

For a production system like plastic injection moulding, if your cost per part is a few cents higher than your nearest competitor it can make the difference between winning or losing a contract. Overhead is greatly affected by machine downtime and maintenance, the time between part or job changeovers, and the precise seconds between “passes” from each part made. The workflow is the most critical element to being able to offset the initial setup costs for tooling, material, electricity, and other expenses.

The more optimized and consistent the process, the more diluted the initial up-front investment to perform the job. With a massive quantity of parts to make, a properly automated set of workflows and machinery processes will more than pay for itself.

In this article, we’ll explore the strategies Fictiv uses to help save time and avoid potential pitfalls common to this complex injection moulding process.


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