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Photo Taken At Singapore Apex Business Summit (SABS)

Photo Taken At Singapore Apex Business Summit (SABS)

The ASEAN Opportunity: How ASEAN Cities And Industries Will Look like in 2030

The ASEAN cities and industries of 2030 will be very different from today. The changes in urban landscape, fueled by technological advances and innovation will drive economic growth and new opportunities.

By Ashwini Balan, Eastern Trade Media

Singapore Apex Business Summit (SABS) is a new, high-level international business platform comprising a series of premier business events. Themed ‘Accelerating Business Transformation in an Endemic World’, the 4-day Summit gathered more than 2,000 business leaders and senior government officials from more than 50 countries and economies to spark discussions, foster collaborations, and forge valuable business connections.

DAY 2: ASEAN Conference

New industries will emerge, integrating “smart” solutions and data into infrastructure and services – all focused on solving problems of yesterday so that the environment is more sustainable, efficient and livable for tomorrow.

Such examples are a common sight in areas of smart mobility (autonomous driving), clean energy (energy efficiency) and circularity (plastics, food waste).

How do you capture and leverage on this new ASEAN opportunity as cities and industries of tomorrow will become distinctly different from yesterday?

The panel will discuss:

  • How the ASEAN cities and industries will look like in 2030
  • ASEAN’s connectivity with global players
  • The role of government and people to create new cities and industries
  • Does ASEAN have sufficient talent to succeed in new cities and industries
  • What is the role of SMEs in ASEAN new cities and industries

Moderator: Mr Chia Kim Huat, Regional Head, Corporate & Transactional Practice, Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP


Ms Nurul Ichwan, Deputy Chairman, BKPM

Mr Satvinder Singh, Deputy Sec Gen, ASEAN

Ms Lena Ng, Chief Investment Officer, Amata Corp

Prof Lim Sun Sun, Prof & Head of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Singapore University of Technology & Design & former NMP

Key Takeaways and Talking Points:

Context from Mr Chia Kim Huat:

ASEAN’s 3 pillars: Economic integration, political and security operations and socio-cultural cooperation []

The three growth engines driving the world in 2022: connected, smart and green

Question posed to panellists: What is ASEAN’s positioning?

Mr Satvinder Singh:

– Projecting growth rates in ASEAN: 5-5.5%
– Disruptions are expected to happen in the container flows.

– There is a need for standards, a single set of rules and procedures to comply to create the supply chain integration in the region. Hence, upcoming, there are plans to launch the negotiation of the ASEAN agreement on the best custom procedures.

Lena Ng: What do we mean by “connected ASEAN”?

There is 4.5 million square km  of land area in ASEAN

When it comes to physical infrastructure, there are three key factors we need to focus on,

  1. Goods flow, money flow and information flow

How connected are we with China and Japan?

Connectivity between ASEAN-China []


By railroad: Boten-Vientiane Railway- mobility[ SHIPPING LINE AND ROAD] [ ]



ASEAN is not homogeneous

Lim Sun Sun:  Apart from physical connectivity, we also need to cover the human connectivity 

– Growth in electronic commerce, mobile commerce, fintech platforms

we are a Young population, technophilic population


– Growth of superapps [ GOJEK, GRAB] but at the same time there is an increase of cyberthreats
– At the i
ndividual level, there is a need for resilience and decision


– Uneven economic and social development


There is a need for green investment, blue investment and circular economic framework + Carbon neutral plan

How SBF, Enterprise Singapore and MTI can support local companies with capital subsidies to set up factories in ASEAN and into other Agri resource-rich countries to get food security.

In Indonesia, we are thinking about the possibility of transforming our energy production

As we reach the end of this panel session coverage, I want to pose a question to my readers:

what is the one thing you want to see in 2030 for ASEAN?

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