Roller Forming
A Forming Process That Is Achieved Through The Form Rollers, Mounted To The Roller Forming Head.
Article by BalTec AG / [email protected]
The roller forming head in turn is driven by the machine at a controlled linear feed rate as well as the optimal rotational speed. While using an appropriate control, quality of every part is monitored during the forming process.
Roller profiles are custom defined to meet individual application requirements. The material will either be rolled inward or outward, depending on the product design specifications. Due to many years of experience and the constantly changing customer needs, we have diversified and perfected the machine and tooling over time. We supply customized roller forming heads with two to five rolls that form the material.
One major advantage of Roller Forming is that only minimal force is necessary in order to displace material. While there are very few limitations, most hollow parts can be roll formed. Diameters between about 2 – 200 mm. Parts with a very thin wall, made out of Aluminium Die Cast, part with Difficult Access or parts with interruptions in the area to be formed. And in some cases, parts that are oval!
Assemblies that are formed under a press have to endure relatively high forces. Forces which can actually cause for the assembly to collapse and result in rejected assemblies or NOK parts. Such unusable parts of course are a loss of money and efficiency.
Following are some common Roller Forming applications that often times present challenges while manufacturing.
3-D roller forming is now possible with the three axis fully programmable system. Hollow bodies / tubes can be formed on one machine, with one setup, per following examples:
The BalTec EA30 https://baltec.com/en/technologies/articulating-roller-forming is able to form any of above geometries without tool change. Each geometry can be defined within a program. Stored programs can be called up in order to form these geometries on demand.
The following sample has been formed in approximately 20 seconds.
BalTec core competence lies in the execution and development of intelligent solutions in the field of joining technology – Industry 4.0 ready. To find the optimal solution for your individual requirements, BalTec AG performs feasibility studies, the first one at no cost to you. We determine a suitable process (radial, orbital, tangential, roller forming), machine size and necessary accessories to meet your specific requirements in regard to quality & productivity. Our knowledge results from over 50 years of experience in joining and assembly technology.
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