Sandvik Coromant will be presenting its latest digital solutions for machining processes and efficient connected manufacturing at EMO Hannover 2019 in Germany.
Sandvik Coromant To Showcase Digital Solutions For Machining Processes At EMO 2019
Sandvik Coromant will be presenting its latest digital solutions for machining processes and efficient connected manufacturing at EMO Hannover 2019 in Germany. True to the company’s mantra of ‘Shaping the future together’, innovations around digital machining and Industry 4.0 are set to be the focus of its booth at the show.
Of course, hardware in the shape of the latest cutting tool and tooling innovations will also be in the spotlight. Chief amongst the latest products making the transition from development lab to commercial availability will be a revolutionary, easy-to-use solution for efficient and reliable drilling. This breakthrough tool offers unprecedented performance at low cost, while simultaneously delivering consistent hole diameters at lower noise levels than existing generation products. The drill will be officially launched at the booth, where visitors will be the first to discover more. The new-generation lightweight CoroMill 390 milling cutter, produced by additive manufacturing, will also be featured.
Beyond the tooling offer being showcased at EMO, the company’s digital solutions enable the interconnection of design, planning and metal cutting, as well as effective process analysis and advancements. The Various CoroPlus digital machining solutions offer different ways to integrate manufacturing intelligence into a machine shop, resulting in optimised processes and fact-based improvement decisions.
One of the highlights at the booth will be the upgraded CoroPlus ToolPath software for PrimeTurning, which now provides the option to import CAD models and create 3D simulations with collision detection.
Following this holistic approach, Sandvik Coromant will also present a new solution that enables sensor-equipped tools, such as the Silent Tools Plus solution, to send data directly to the machine. In this way, machining processes can be monitored and controlled in real time.
Another offer from the CoroPlus portfolio is the CoroPlus ToolGuide, which provides precise tool recommendations and cutting data based on customer specifics, such as workpiece material and application type. The latest addition includes an update with recommendations for boring tools and cutting data.
The newest addition to the Sandvik Coromant collection of apps is the Tool Wear Analyzer app. Whenever a manufacturer is unsure of the cause of an unexpected tool wear, they can simply use their phone to take a picture of the wear and easily compare it with wear types in a repository of images. The app also allows the user to measure the wear and save it or share it with a colleague. The app works best if you use a microscope attached to the phone.
Sandvik Coromant will be at Hall 5 Booth B06.
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