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Walter AG Presents New Grades For ISO K And ISO H Materials

Walter AG Presents New Grades For ISO K And ISO H Materials

Walter AG Presents New Grades For ISO K And ISO H Materials

With the WBK20 and WBK30 CBN grades, Walter is launching two new indexable inserts for turning ISO H and ISO K materials: WBK20 (grain size diameter 3.0 μm) for finishing cast iron; WBK30 (grain size diameter 10.0 μm) for high metal removal rates in ISO H and when finishing with a heavily interrupted cut. Both CBN grades are made from a substrate with a high CBN content and are also suitable for roughing and finishing sintered steel.

The WBK20 indexable inserts are “tipped”. The “CBN tip” is applied to the corners of the insert with high tensile strength by means of vacuum soldering. The WBK30 grade is made from a solid CBN substrate and allows for higher cutting speeds and therefore a higher productivity in cast iron than indexable inserts made from carbide.

In addition to the high-precision manufacturing, a strong microgeometry on the cutting edge also contributes to the high quality, productivity and process reliability of the turning insert. This microgeometry is always matched to the respective application. Walter offers the new WBK20 and WBK30 CBN grades in all of the most popular ISO sizes and radii and thereby completes its extensive CBN turning range. These grades are particularly beneficial for users from the automotive industry, general mechanical engineering and the energy industry.

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