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Green Light For Accelerated Automotive Turning

Green Light For Accelerated Automotive Turning

An interesting approach towards Accelerated Automotive Turning the external turning of steel parts in high volume offers opportunities for manufacturers in the automotive industry. By Håkan Ericksson, global product specialist at Sandvik Coromant

Manufacturing engineers in the automotive industry have tried almost everything to extract the last drops of productivity from their conventional turning processes. Although these processes are evolving by making small gains on an almost constant basis, a different approach looks set to help turning shops take a step forward.

With a different take on turning conventions, PrimeTurning from Sandvik Coromant offers opportunities for manufacturers tasked with the external turning of steel parts in high volumes. The methodology can not only address many of the common challenges faced by automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers, but also provide potential gains.

Automotive Turning Predominance

Steel turning dominates many automotive applications, including the production of transmission shafts and shift sleeves, and flange and post ends on engine crankshafts, for instance. Hub units, constant-velocity joint components and drive pinions are among further examples. In a market as notoriously competitive as automotive, all of these parts share a common requirement: To maximise productivity without compromising quality.

The question is how can this still be achieved? Turning is a mature process that has been edging forwards for a number of decades but without a major step-change of note. Sure enough, more rigid machines have been matched with ever-improving workholding and cutting tool solutions, but the methodology of turning itself has not evolved.

The upshot is that turning has become a bottleneck in comparison with many other manufacturing processes which have advanced at a faster rate.

Turning On Its Head

In contrast to conventional longitudinal turning, the new turning methodology allows the tool to enter the component at the chuck and removes material in the opposite direction. Turning “backwards” in this manner allows a small entering angle to be applied, which in turn can provide productivity gains.

Experienced operators are aware that small entry angles permit increased feeds, but in conventional turning are restricted to around 90 deg in order to reach the shoulder and avoid the long, curved chips that small entering angles characteristically generate. In contrast, the new process provides reach at the shoulder and allows for entry angles of 25-30 deg, with chip control and maintained tolerances.

Of course, some machine shops have already tried turning from chuck to part end with small entry angles, but the problem has always been chip control. With the new methodology, however, there are chip breakers, edge preparation and a machining strategy that can account for chip thickness and a gradual release of cutting forces when entering the workpiece. As a result, speed and feed rates can effectively be up to doubled Accelerated Automotive Turning.

The small entry angle and higher lead angle create thinner, wider chips that spread the load and heat away from the nose radius, resulting in increased cutting data and/or tool life. Furthermore, as cutting is performed in the direction moving away from the shoulder, there is no danger of chip jamming, a common unwanted effect of conventional longitudinal turning.

This is good news for automotive manufacturing engineers under pressure to reduce cycle times and cost per part in order to stay competitive. The methodology also has additional benefits to offer, such as reducing downtime through fewer set-ups. This is because the new process allows for all-directional turning, which means that turning conventionally from component end to chuck can be performed using the same tools. This is supported by newly developed inserts that have three edges/corners: one for longitudinal turning, one for facing and one for profiling.

The specialised insert is designed for light roughing, finishing and profiling Accelerated Automotive Turning

The specialised insert is designed for light roughing, finishing and profiling

Efficient Edge Utilisation

Conventional longitudinal turning uses the corner radius and a small part of the insert side to create the chip, whereas the new methodology uses just the side to create a thin and wide chip. For facing operations, conventional methods continue to rely on the corner radius, thus further increasing wear. In contrast, the new methodology uses the other side of the insert, delivering edge utilisation and longer tool life.

Traditional turning methods always use the corner radius when turning, which leads to concentrated heat, excessive wear and unfavourable chip forms that are difficult to break, while the new methodology generates the heat in a wider and different area so that heat can move away from the cutting zone. The chip is also straight and easier to form.

All-directional turning presents possibilities for automotive shops to perform existing operations in a more optimised manner. Tests show that the new turning process is typically best suited to short and compact components, although all-directional turning inserts mean that slender parts can also be processed (conventionally) using a tail stock. With specialised Coroturn inserts, feed rates up to 1.2 mm per revolution and depths of cut up to 4 mm can be achieved, depending on the application.

Turning Code Generator

To Automotive Turning highlight the potential gains on offer to automotive manufacturers through a combination of the new methodology, specialised inserts and a new code generator. Numerical control code changes can be viewed as problematic to many machine shops. With the aim of simplifying adoption of the new process, the specially-developed code generator facilitates changing from conventional toolpath programs to the new methodology.

Furthermore, it helps to maximise output through the application of optimised parameters and variables, and ensures process security with suitably adjusted feed rate and entry radius data.

Turning Hubs

The Automotive Turning new methodology is suitable for use on CNC turning centres and multi-tasking turn-mill machines, and early customer tests have yielded results. For instance, when turning a hub made from cast steel (SAE/AISI 1045) on a Gildemeister CTV 250 CNC turning centre, a machining company in Brazil was able to achieve significant benefits.

Using the same cutting speed (300 m per min), the adoption of the specialised inserts allowed feed rates to be increased from 0.25 mm per revolution to 0.4 mm per revolution, and depth of cut from 1.5 mm to 3 mm. The result was a 59 percent increase in productivity and 55 percent more tool life. With over 120,000 hubs a year being produced, the overall impact on profitability is expected to be considerable.

The new methodology will thus appeal to automotive OEMs and their tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers that know their cutting data and its current limitations.

As cutting is performed in the direction moving away from the shoulder, there is no danger of chip jamming Accelerated Automotive Turning.

As cutting is performed in the direction moving away from the shoulder, there is no danger of chip jamming.



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Industry 4.0: Is The Italian Machine Tool Industry Ready For The Challenge

Industry 4.0: Is The Italian Machine Tool Industry Ready For The Challenge

With new technologies and new skills Industry 4.0, Marco Taisch explains how enterprises in Italy will adapt.

Marco Taisch, professor of operations management and advanced and sustainable manufacturing at the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano (Polytechnic University of Milan), is committed at the forefront with regards to the issue of Industry 4.0 and of IoT application to the manufacturing industry.

Q: Industry 4.0 is also defined as the “fourth industrial revolution”. What is the real meaning of “revolution” in this case?

Marcho Taisch (MT): One of the most revolutionary aspects of Industry 4.0 is, first of all, the impact it has had on the Italian economic stage. In a very short time, this new approach allowed the brining of the manufacturing industry back to the centre of attention of Italian institutions and economic players with an explosive effect, to say the least.

As far as the definition is concerned, many people consider Industry 4.0 as a real revolution; others see it as a pronounced effect.

In my opinion, Industry 4.0 combines technological innovation, which materialises in the spread of IoT technologies within factories, with a deep organisation change. In other words, the real revolution is primarily cultural: processes, tasks, professional profiles are changing and so are the 
required skills.

Q: If professional profiles are changing, should fundamental training processes be updated?

MT: Of course. There are very good universities capable of offering appropriate training to young people, enabling them to enter the work market and become real resources for enterprises.

In any case, technological training is made not only in polytechnic universities and other kinds of universities. It is important that even technical institutes should work on programmes, so that they may be as close as possible to the requirements of the industry. The industry is dramatically accelerating its development through digitalisation.

Q: Let’s come back to technologies and to the impact of Industry 4.0 on the Italian industry.

MT: Italy is the second-largest manufacturing country in Europe. To maintain and, if possible, even to improve this position, it is necessary not only to pass through a generic traditional innovation, but on the contrary, there must be a process of factory digitalisation. The aim is to facilitate and support the spread of the enterprises’ connectivity.

In practise, this means the creation of smart manufacturing, such as the production of products and services with the support of information technologies, and the creation of new business models. This is an intense programme which can, however, definitely be sustained by the Italian enterprises — provided that in the approach to this issue our peculiarities are respected.

Q: Could you please elaborate?

MT: The Italian manufacturing industry is recognised worldwide for its quality and strong customisation of product offerings. However, the “Made in Italy” characterisation is missing and we must enhance the importance of this part.

As a country we can work towards a digitalised manufacturing industry for advanced design, where the leading role is played by people who must adequately be trained and updated. We must concentrate on this aspect.

On the other hand, in some sectors, for example that of machinery and production systems, there is already a lot of innovative technology related to Industry 4.0, at least partially. The challenge is to increase the connectivity level, for example that of machines, so that they can increasingly collect, treat, process and allow data sharing — 
even remotely.

Q: Are enterprises able to do this by themselves?

MT: Starting from the assumption that the innovation level is not homogeneous, it is reasonable to suppose that some companies need assistance. For this purpose, universities, professional associations, territorial and extra-territorial institutions have already taken active steps to provide “information” in a wider sense, with particular attention given to SMEs.

Q: What are the real opportunities for SMEs to get informed?

MT: In a situation of communication overload, there is no denying that it may become difficult to be oriented. However, I would stress that there are numerous opportunities to reasonably debate and closely verify the possible applications of the new Industry 4.0 approach also with regard to our industry. Relying on qualified people considerably simplifies the selection process.

What are the opportunities to get information? Meetings, collection of annotated, specific information material specific studies are all appropriate. Demonstration events are also suitable, but it has to be stressed that in order to be most effective, such events must be set in the context and thus studied according to the enterprises’ requirements.

Q: As you are professor of the Manufacturing Group in the School of Management at the Politecnico di Milano, could you illustrate the topics to which you are presently committed and how you are working?

MT: The Manufacturing Group is a work group composed of about 40 people dealing with the analysis of issues concerning planning and management of manufacturing systems and operations. A particular focus is on energy efficiency and sustainability in the manufacturing industry and in the industrial services, on product and asset life-cycle management.

Q: Can we consider demonstration events?

MT: Exhibitions are, first of all, events to do business, thus they are events that companies really need. If they are organised with particular attention and by qualified operators, exhibition events can be real opportunities for updating, understanding and analysing in-depth topics that are not yet well-known.

In Italy we have a lot of good trade shows, even regarding Industry 4.0. Among them,  there is Motion And Mechatronics, whose philosophy, in my opinion is certainly innovative, because it combines the business aspect with specific thematic insight.

The trade show is addressed both to those who work, plan and build within a factory as well as those who manage it. This concept convinced me to accept the appointment as leader of the Technical-Scientific Committee for the event.

Q: A last question: what are your expectations for the future of Industry 4.0?

MT: I am very confident, because I see a harmonic teamwork between institutions, associations, and the research world. Now, the ball is passed to companies. The Industry 4.0 plan is an excellent opportunity for enterprises to take advantage of it, who can understand that purchasing technology is not enough, and that it is necessary also to work on skills.


Rising Italian Machine Tool Industry For 2017

The Italian machine tool, robot and automation manufacturing industry closed the year 2016 positively on various economic indicators, said Italian Machine Tool, Robots, Automation Systems And Ancillary Products Manufacturers’ Association (UCIMU) president Massimo Carboniero. He added that the year 2017 looked to be a year of further growth.

As evidenced by the preliminary year’s data processed by the Studies Department and Business Culture of UCIMU, production in 2016 increased to 5.48 billion euros (US$5.91 billion), recording a five percent upturn versus the previous year.

Uptick In Domestic Market

A definite positive trend was reported with regard to the deliveries by the Italian manufacturers in the domestic market, grown to US$2.38 billion, a rise of 20.5 percent compared with the previous year.

On the other hand, export decreased by 3.3 percent, reaching only US$3.54 billion, due to the weakness experienced in some major destination markets.

Based on the Italian National Institute for Statistic’s data processing, in the first nine months of the year, the main countries for export was as follows:


Consumption showed a positive trend with a 10.1 percent increase totalling US$3.97 billion. It is the third consecutive year of double-digit growth, showing signs of the recovery of the Italian market, which has also started again to invest in production technologies.

“The year 2016 was positive for the Italian machine tool industry, which contributes to the national GDP for almost eight billion euros (US$8.63 billion) considering, besides the production of machine tools, also the production of parts, tools and numerical controls not included in the total Italian machine tools”, Mr Carboniero said.

Interest In 2017

The year 2017 will also be positive for the Italian industry of the sector: according to the forecasts, there will be a growth for all the main economic indicators.

Production is predicted to rise four percent to US$6.15 billion, closer to the record-breaking value of US$6.47 billion registered in 2008.

Exports are expected to grow by 1.7 percent to attain US$3.59 billion. The positive trend of consumption will also go on: it should rise by 6.9 percent to US$4.25 billion, driving the deliveries of manufacturers.

“Now, with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development’s Industry 4.0 Plan which was included in the already-approved Budget Law 2017, the Italian government has given the country a well-structured and comprehensive programme of industrial policy. With this plan, Italian enterprises can rely on a series of measures aimed at favouring the improvement of their competitiveness. These measures can further boost the consumption of machinery and innovative technologies for factory digitalisation,” Mr Carboniero said.


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