

Watch the Marvel Contest of Champions Livestream to Win the First 7-Star Gladiator

Live on Twitch at 9AM PT / 12PM ET on September 1!

Trailers & Extras

Echoes in Eternity | Gladiator and Iron Man | Marvel Contest of Champions

Marvel Contest of Champions Summoner's Choice Champion, Gladiator joins The Contest and a surprise Champion gets a total upgrade! Check out their animations in the newest Champion Reveal Trailer!


Catch Up on All the Marvel Games News from August 2023

Get the highlights from all the exciting news to come out of Marvel Games this month!


Marvel Contest of Champions v41.0 Release Notes Introduce Photon and Vox

Photon and Vox enter the Contest! Watch for the Vanishing Point in the new Champion Reveal trailer!

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Essential Reading
Contest of Champions
Welcome to the Battlerealm – a broken section of space-time where cosmic beings gamble for the ultimate power while their unwilling pawns fight for their lives and a chance to return back to Earth. Who will survive...THE CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS?